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The committees are an integral part of the proceedings of Finanssi. The committees organize and develop activities, such as events, together with the Board of Directions. This page introduces the members of each committee in 2025 and a short description of each committee’s responsibilities.

We choose new committee members every year in November after new Board Members have been voted and selected. If you are interested in participating in Finanssi’s operations you can always send an email to

Academic Affairs Committee

The Academic Affairs Committee represents the students’ understanding of the current state of the studies and study environments in the Oulu Business School. For example, the committee represents the students’ interests in developing the degree curricula and the future of the faculty. Another important task of the Academic Affairs Committee is to form the official opinion of Finanssi on local and national educational matters. In practice, the committee assists the Head of Academic Affairs with statements, as well as organizing and analyzing the annual OBS feedback questionnaire each Spring. The Academic Affairs Committee is often called the kopo committee, short for koulutuspoliittinen (‘educational politics’ in Finnish).

Chairman: Janne Väisänen

Milla Tiri
Matias Schroderus
Juho Väärä

Graphics Committee

The main task of the Graphics Committee is the design of Finanssi’s event posters, badges, and other graphics. The committee is also responsible for event photography and maintaining the photo gallery.

Chairman: Katri Koli

Almiina Ketola
Anni Alaluukas
Kristiina Sulkala
Linnea Illikainen
Mariia Kemppainen


NESU organizes different kinds of NESU events in Oulu, including Finanssi’s own sitsit parties. The committee informs NESU members about the events organized all over Finland by other NESU member organizations, promotes and develops the NESU Culture in Oulu, and organizes other, smaller events for the members of Finanssi.

Chairman: Aino Raatikainen

Aada Hirsivaara
Alex Saarela
Carolina Kempas
Greta Suorsa
Jasmina Väisänen
Noel Nurminen
Reeta Ervasti

Project Committee

The Project Committee is responsible for three very different major events. These include Öllövelli pub crawl, Finanssi ry’s annual ball, and the Nordic Spirit Forum seminar organized in collaboration with the OBS and Oulun Ekonomit. The tasks range widely from booking venues to recruiting staff, acquiring sponsors, and planning both the food and the program.

Chairman: Jenni Luopajärvi

Anni Poranen
Kalle Forsblom
Marika Möttönen
Markus Pirttijärvi
Reeta Kallunki
Sanni Teikari

Events Committee

The Events Committee is responsible of planning and organizing events and parties
for our members. In addition to annual traditions, such as Vappu (May Day),
the committee aims to develop new concepts to further broaden our selection of
events so that there truly is something for everyone.

Chairman: Inka Hanhela

Emmi Oja
Sara Hintikka
Sara Timonen
Siiri Tiilikka
Perttu Somero

Corporate Relations Committee

The Corporate Relations Committee is in charge of the relations between Finanssi and the local corporations, providing benefits for the members of Finanssi in the Oulu area, and promoting Finanssi and its members as trustworthy and efficient companions. In practice, the Corporate Affairs Committee helps the Head of Corporate Affairs to advance the corporate co-operations, develop and maintain the Purple Zone benefits program, and organize an excursion to Helsinki.

Chairman: Valtteri Råman

Timo Hollanti
Carolina Kempas
Patrik Moilanen
Matias Rantanen
Roosa Taulavuori

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is responsible for Finanssi’s social media channels, website and newsletters. In practice this includes f.i. writing and planning blog texts and social media content and viikkotiedote -email which includes all the events of each week. In addition, the Communications Committee and Head of Communications assist other board members with communications on f.i. corporate relations, job postings and events.

Chairman: Aada Ylävaara

Anna Piirainen
Eveliina Nauha

International & Masters’ Affairs Committee

The tasks of the International & Masters’ Affairs Committee include increasing the
internationality of Finanssi and taking care of exchange students, as well as
maintaining master’s and alumni networks. Their responsibilities also involve
constantly developing Finanssi’s operations in these areas. The International &
Masters’ Affairs Committee will work, among other things, on creating and organizing
events for exchange students, master’s students, and alumni. The committee’s main
events include organizing the Career Paths event and Finanssi’s excursion abroad.

Chairman: Anna Piirainen

Julia Rautanen
Jonna-Roosa Rautionaho
Chenhao Song
Emilia Toikkanen

Social Affairs committee

Social Affairs committee’s job is to help and support the Head of Social Affairs with their responsibilities. The main tasks are increasing and maintaining events regarding wellbeing, culture and sports, developing and taking care of our guild room, handling guild products, and planning and executing freshmen weeks at fall. Besides, the committee helps the Head of Social Affairs with general tasks and other events, like guild room preparties. Together Head of Social Affairs and the Social Affairs committee aspires to increase the selection of different events for our members.

Chairman: Reeta Pasma