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Suomen Ekonomit

Suomen Ekonomit

Suomen Ekonomit is a central organization for graduates and students in economics and business administration. We have over 55,000 members including 25 local associations and 14 student associations.

We business school graduates range from math geniuses to creative types and from bosses to experts and entrepreneurs. We represent the core of sustainable financial and business competence in Finland.

When joining in to Suomen Ekonomit as a student member, you will also join in Finanssi ry at the same time. Membership of Suomen Ekonomit is free for students. Finanssi’s membership fee is 50 euros and will be charged when you join to Ekonomit. The fee covers the entire period of study.

Membership benefits and services

As our member you are entitled to numerous member benefits already during your student years:

  • Free Kauppalehti Digi and Ekonomi magazine
  • Job seeking services
  • Legal counceling
  • Mentoring
  • Salary Advice
  • Training and events 
  • KOKO-kassa Unemployment fund

Log in to Suomen Ekonomit member service eLounge here to read more about services and benefits.

You can take your student membership to the next level by purchasing the KylteriPlus package, which provides you with a set of additional benefits for only €25/year. More information about KylteriPlus can be found here.

Student contact person “Kylli” at your service

Student contact person (kylteriyhdyshenkilö in Finnish) or better known as Kylli, works as a link between students and Suomen Ekonomit. Kylli is there for the students and helps with everything related to the benefits and services of Suomen Ekonomit.

Kylli’s contact information:

Julius Palomäki
Phone: +358406523622
Instagram: @oulunkylli
Facebook: Kylteriyhdyshenkilö Oulu