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Finanssi organizes events throughout the year from parties to business related events. Our largest events are the monthly Interdisciplinary Overall parties, the Öllövelli pub crawl, the monthly Sits -parties and annual trip to Ruka. Some events are open to all and some only to Finanssi members. You can find information about our events on our social media platforms and the weekly letter. The main channel for event information is Facebook. All information can be found in English as well.

March 2025

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • Lajikokeilu: seinäkiipeily
  • KOPON Kandi ja Gradu Brunssi
  • Master's of Wine
  • Maaliskuun Poikkarit
  • Fikan Poikkari-Etkot
  • NSF
  • Finanssin Kaverisitsit
  • FIC plays Laser Tag
  • VVV 2025
  • VVV 2025
  • VVV 2025
  • Kopon ja Kyllin Kahvihetki
  • Finanssi x OTiT: Naapurisitsit
  • Pohjois-Pohjanmaan pubirundi

Interdisciplinary Overall Party

The Overall Party = Poikkitieteelliset haalaribileet, are open to all students and non-students in Oulu and are a great way to meet new people. At this party, the usual attire is student overalls, which are different colours for each field of study. We recommend buying a ticket in advance, as this party usually sells out.

Follow this event on Facebook and Instagram to hear about the events and ticket sales.


Sitsit are organized by NESU and are an “academic table party”.


“Laskiainen” is a traditional Finnish holiday which includes sledding down hills and eating “laskiaispulla”, which is a bun with whipped cream, jam and almond filling. For Finanssi the execution of Laskiainen varies each year, but usually includes laskiaispulla’s, sauna, and an afterparty.

“House party” at Teekkaritalo

Teekkaritalo is a building located in Kaijonharju and has parties weekly. Finanssi organizes parties for its own members there once or twice a year. Usually the parties at Teekkaritalo are open for anyone to join with an entrance fee of a few euros.


VVV-cruise is definitely a once in a lifetime experience. The event is not organized every year, but when it is, you can know it from spotting Börje wearing a lifevest at parties. This cruise is meant for buying your Vappubooze taxfree, from a ship that sails to Sweden.


Öllövelli is the largest student event of the spring in Oulu. 

Öllövelli is held in April and can be considered the first event of Oulu’s May Day celebrations.  This appro event brings together thousands of students to downtown Oulu to enjoy the  fantastic atmosphere and great spring weather. In addition to the appro, an “appro village” is  set up in Mannerheim Park, which serves as both the starting and finishing area. The village  offers music and various activities to entertain the overall atmosphere. The event culminates  in afterparties, which are held in several bars and at Tullisali. So grab your friends and come  enjoy Oulu’s best appro event! 

The idea behind the crawl is to visit the designated bars, restaurants, and activity points listed  in your “performance pass,” in any order you like. You can collect stamps for the products  offered at the event’s official bars and restaurants, as well as for participating in the activity  stations. Stamps can be earned from drinks (including non-alcoholic ones), food items, and  activities.

Each stamp must be collected from a different bar or restaurant until you have completed the  desired level of your “degree.” You don’t need to decide in advance which degree you’re  aiming for. You have eight hours to complete your degree. 

Raksila Approt

Raksila appro is a student event organized in collaboration with the Oulu Kärpät hockey team,  combining the excitement of hockey with an appro. During the evening, participants enjoy  watching hockey and visit various stations around the arena to collect stamps in their appro  pass. In addition to food and drink stations, stamps can also be earned by purchasing fan  merchandise, for example. Once participants have filled their pass with stamps, they can  exchange it for a corresponding overalls badge to mark their achievement.


Vappu is the main event for Finnish students. Vappu Day, or May Day, is 1.5., and comes after a few weeks of Vappu-parties. On Vappu Eve and Vappu Day, everyone wears their graduation caps.

Annual Ball

Finanssi was founded in 1991 and each fall we celebrate its birthday with an annual ball. The ball consists of a formal evening party and an afterparty, and is followed by the next day’s “sillis”.

Finanssi ry celebrates its long journey every year at the beginning of October. In 2025, we  will celebrate the 34th anniversary of the association. 

In honor of the anniversary celebrations, Finanssi’s committees and clubs organize a  variety of events to color the most anticipated week of the year. The planning and  execution of the anniversary celebrations is the responsibility of the project manager,  together with the project committee. 

“An academic tradition that should be experienced at least once during your studies.” 

The highlight of the anniversary week is the evening celebration. The evening event is an  academic celebration where guests dress in their finest attire, enjoy a three-course dinner,  reward outstanding members of Finanssi, and, above all, celebrate the Oulu business  student community and our association. The anniversary celebrations are primarily intended  for second-year students and older. First-year students are welcome to enjoy the celebratory  atmosphere by working at the event. Freshmen in the Avoin väylä program are also welcome  to attend. More information about staff recruitment is shared every fall. 

Anniversary Week Events 

Cocktail Event 

This formal daytime event, held before the evening celebration, is an opportunity for invited  guests to greet the sitting board members. During the event, we toast to Finanssi, enjoy  cocktail bites, and listen to greetings which are received by the board of Finanssi. 

Evening Celebration 

The evening celebration is the most prestigious event of the year. It is courteous for guests to  arrive well in advance of the official program’s start. This gives them time to find their seats on  the seating chart, socialize with other guests, take photos with their companions, or enjoy the  bar offerings. The evening celebration follows traditional sequences of speeches, songs, and 

toasts, during which we also recognize the achievements of our association members. The  evening concludes with a three-course dinner with drinks. 

Afterparty (Jatkot) 

After the evening celebration, guests are transported by bus to the afterparty. There will be  plenty more food and drinks available at the afterparty. After the event, buses will take guests  back to the city center, and the final bus will head to the Puhe Auringolle event, traditionally  held in Franzén Park in downtown Oulu. 

Silli Breakfast (Silliaamiainen) 

The anniversary celebrations, of course, don’t end after one night. The day after the evening  celebration and afterparty, the Silli Breakfast, or “sillis” as it’s affectionately called, is held.  Despite the name, the event is not about eating pickled herring, but it is something  completely different! At the Silli Breakfast, guests traditionally wear overalls and accessories  or costumes according to the Sillis theme. The course of the event is unpredictable, but one  thing is for sure: the hot tub will be warm, and the party won’t end until the last bus departs, if  even then. The saying “Sillis is the best time of a person’s life” is absolutely true. The Silli  Breakfast is reached via bus transportation, and buses traditionally leave from Oulu’s market  square. 

More information about the anniversary celebrations can be found on the event’s official  Instagram page. 


At the evening celebration, traditional etiquette is followed. According to etiquette, men  typically wear a tuxedo or a dark suit, and women wear a floor-length evening gown. Long hair  should also be styled up. For more detailed information, you can check here.

Trip to Ruka

This cabin trip to Ruka is the highlight of the year for many. Finanssi rents out an entire cabin village for this trip, but still the tickets are so popular that we queue overnight to get a ticket for this trip.