
Finanssi is the student organization for Oulu Business School students. Finanssi operates independently as a guild under the Student Union of the University of Oulu (OYY). Finanssi was founded in 1991 when the business school program began at the University of Oulu.
The purpose of the society is to represent the Oulu Business School students in Oulu, to spread the knowledge of economic science both within and outside the organization, to promote interest in social and economical matters, to supervise the interests of its members in educational matters, and to promote the growth of both financial and human capital through interaction with the economic and business societies. Throughout its existence, Finanssi has also excelled in international lobbying.
Finanssi is one of the largest business school student organizations in Finland, with over 1,600 members. Anyone studying for a degree at Oulu Business School is eligible to join the organization. All members of Finanssi are also members of the Finnish Business School Graduates (in Finnish: Suomen Ekonomit), the Finnish national organization for business school graduates and students.
You can join Finanssi through the Finnish Business School Graduates. By paying the one-time membership fee of 50 Euros, you become a member of Finanssi for the whole duration of your studies. As a member, you get to enjoy the supervision of interests conducted by Finanssi, as well as several other services, such as the guild room, the benefits of the Purple Zone, attend events organized by Finanssi, and purchase guild products, such as overalls.
Exchange students can become support members by paying the support membership fee of 10 euro/semester. With the support membership, you will receive the same benefits, excluding the membership of the Finnish Business School Graduates. You can purchase your membership at the Welcome to Finanssi event or later at the guild room.
Guild room and merch
The main color of Finanssi is purple, and any members of Finanssi can be easily recognized by their purple-coloured student overalls. According to the legend, the color purple was chosen based on the purple colour of the largest bill in the 1955 series issue of Finnish markka (the former national currency in Finland), worth 10,000 markka. In addition to the overalls, our members can show their colours by wearing guild products, such as cockade, ribbon, lapel pin, college shirt and overall patches. These products can be bought at the guild room.
The guild room is located in the catacombs under the Kauppakatu hallway at the university. At around halfway through the hallway, there is a guild poster on a glass door. Go through the door, take the stairs down and go through a door on the left with another guild poster. That second door takes you to the catacombs, where you can follow the scent of fresh coffee and the sound of laughter and cheerful chatter to the guild room.
The guild room is a great place to relax between lectures or just hang around with friends. The facilities of the room include two coffee makers, magazines, a television, board games, a PlayStation and some video games. All these luxuries are free to use for all Finanssi members. As the guild room is a common room for a lot of people, it is important to put everything back in its place after use and leave your shoes at the door when you enter. This way, we keep the room tidy and cosy for everyone.
Finding your way to Finanssi’s guild room from the X-door
Vision, Mission and Values
The mission of Finanssi is to supervise students’ interests and to provide ways to have fun. Our vision is to promote quality growth, organize exceptional events and encounters, and be always close to our members.
Our values are togetherness, continuous development, interdisciplinarity, and being a life partner for our members.